Inside the Mind of Versado’s CEO

Grace is a word that seems to have been relegated to theology discussions. This is a shame, as grace is a concept with profound interpersonal and professional relevance. “Giving someone grace” is a concept that is easy to assume to be synonymous with “having patience with someone.” However, there is a distinct difference between grace and patience.
Grace comes from the Latin word “gratus” and translates to “thankful.” It is the root from which we get words like “gracious” and “grateful.” Let’s not take anything away from the importance of patience (we have all probably been working on that since before we could say the word), but replacing that concept with grace in certain situations has some interesting implications.

For example, if someone that works for you completes a task incorrectly, you can have patience while the problem is fixed. However, giving the person grace comes with something extra, it presumes patience but also thankfulness for the work that was done and the effort put in. Both concepts don’t preclude the idea that the job still needs to get done right. It isn’t an attitude of apathy or indifference.
The next time you approach this scenario reminding yourself to have patience with someone, ask yourself if giving them grace might be more appropriate. How would it change your approach if you identify the parts of the situation you are thankful for along with the parts that require patience? See what happens if you communicate where their performance could be improved and also let them know you are thankful for their efforts and for what they did right.